Signs of fatigue?

Jack Bauer: ...hundred and thousands of innocent civilians will die if you don't tell me what I need to know (hum I wonder where I've heard that one before)
CTU is down to 40% of it normal capacity yet Chloe single handedly located all the gas depots and checked all the pressures as well as running tactical operations including decoding those schematics while trying to get the link between Audrey and Walt as well as decode the files Henderson's computer while Jack and Curtis head off to the gas plant in the helicopter. Somehow I think even with IBM's blue gene super computer you cant do all of that in less than 20 minutes.
Lost is also loosing its steam. First we spend ages waiting to find out what is in the hatch only to find out its some dude call Desmond who has been living in luxury typing the same code every 108 minutes while the rest of the people have living in poverty. The problem with Lost is there are too many questions and very few answers. And rather than the subsequent episodes answering some of these questions they just add more to the mix. This is fine for a couple of episodes but after a whole series you just get bored and the interest wanes. I mean you also get all of these stupid suggestions like is Walt psychic? Does the island really read feelings? Is the island really an island? Are the others from the back of the plane or just people happen to be on the island?
I guess that is why I rather like surburban shootout. Its surreal and you know that from the start so you don't watch it with any sort of rationalisation.
CTU is down to 40% of it normal capacity yet Chloe single handedly located all the gas depots and checked all the pressures as well as running tactical operations including decoding those schematics while trying to get the link between Audrey and Walt as well as decode the files Henderson's computer while Jack and Curtis head off to the gas plant in the helicopter. Somehow I think even with IBM's blue gene super computer you cant do all of that in less than 20 minutes.

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