Commuter Madness

There are a few things about the journey that really takes the cake making the journey just that little bit more unbearable
1. Sally Jane. Sally and her like minded mates like to read the newspaper (usually the metro) or a book on the train. Fair enough I have no problem with that. But in a crowded train there is literally no space to move. So poking me in the side with spine of your book or slapping me with the paper as you change pages while the train rocks from side to side is not going to going to make me happy. So when I stare at you or ask you to keep your book to yourself don't look at me like I asked you to dip your hand in hot oil.

2. Joe Bloggs. Joe thinks that sharing the contents of his stomach including last nights curry is fun. On a cold winter morning like the ones we have been having all the train windows if indeed there are any are shut. More than likely the train's air conditioning is either not working or pumping out freezing air. The train is packed, everyone is up close and personal, then you get a whiff, you put it out of your mind thinking it just passing but it lingers. Everyone starts looking around like who could it be. You know its you but you join in the looking. Why Joe why? Couldn't you just wait till you got off? Instead you stand there looking innocent.
3. Jacks Pratt. Jack and his school mates have just bought the latest ipod. Fair enough you prefer not to listen to the train screech and squeak as the driver spills his coffee and applies the brakes hard round the corners. Why do you feel then you have to share you music with us? We don't want to know what you are listening to? It doesn't even sound that good because we can only hear the high notes of the song. It so loud sometimes so loud I cant even hear my own mp3 player. Back in the day you could have gone up asked Jack to turn down the music but these days for fear of attack we just stand and grit our teeth.
4. Polly Pru. Polly a regular commuter thinks she knows how long it takes to get to her stop so she either falls asleep or starts day dreaming. Fair enough each to their own. We get to Polly's stop and she is still day dreaming or sleeping. The doors are about to close when Polly wakes up."Oh what station is this?" "Plumstead" a voice replies. "Shit" cries Polly as she barge everyone out of her way so she can get to the door holding up the train in the process as her bag is stuck in the door.
After all this hassle on the daily commute is it a wonder the workforce is not increasing productivity? Why do these people have to get my train???
3. Jacks Pratt. Jack and his school mates have just bought the latest ipod. Fair enough you prefer not to listen to the train screech and squeak as the driver spills his coffee and applies the brakes hard round the corners. Why do you feel then you have to share you music with us? We don't want to know what you are listening to? It doesn't even sound that good because we can only hear the high notes of the song. It so loud sometimes so loud I cant even hear my own mp3 player. Back in the day you could have gone up asked Jack to turn down the music but these days for fear of attack we just stand and grit our teeth.

4. Polly Pru. Polly a regular commuter thinks she knows how long it takes to get to her stop so she either falls asleep or starts day dreaming. Fair enough each to their own. We get to Polly's stop and she is still day dreaming or sleeping. The doors are about to close when Polly wakes up."Oh what station is this?" "Plumstead" a voice replies. "Shit" cries Polly as she barge everyone out of her way so she can get to the door holding up the train in the process as her bag is stuck in the door.
After all this hassle on the daily commute is it a wonder the workforce is not increasing productivity? Why do these people have to get my train???
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