The Dark Perspective

Giving you social commentry with a twist of comedy, reviews and downloads. Its commentry about the things that I come across in my life. We all take different journeys in life and this is my journey.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Two issues caught my attention this week:
Firstly North Korea decided to test a nuclear weapon which they claim went successfully. The whole world is crying out in outrage. How can the this happen the world powers are asking themselves? Lets firstly ask ourselves why is it a problem that North Korea has nuclear weapons? After all several other countries posses nuclear weapons yet still we don't cry out in shock and horror. Okay so the fact that millions of North Korean have been killed and tortured for speaking against the leader and million more live in dire poverty lends some credence to the discussion.
The UN is trying to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and its efforts have been mainly focused on Iran . One has to wonder though that even though you can never rely on what the politicians say, Iran has always denied it wanted nuclear weapons whereas North Korea has never denied it wanted weapons. So why was all eyes on Iran? I don't even think there is anything we can do about. I mean we cant just invade North Korea and hope it doesn't use its weapons?

The second is about the issue of the Muslim women and the Burka. The BBC has a graphic illustration of the different types of head gear worn by Muslim women here. It maybe worth reviewing this to get a broader picture of what the discussion is about. This discussion has boiled over for a couple of days now and there are many facets to it. On the one hand is the need to preserve religious integrity even if you are abroad. This is understandable as Britain is multicultural society where different faiths are encouraged. In other Muslim countries where the state is secular things are different and thus foreigners have to conform to laws and customs. This does not mean we can take this and argue that because we have to conform in other countries that Muslims should loose their religious integrity in Britain. On the other hand is the security risk issue which I don't see as an issue at all. There are rules that mean women should take off their veils if their identity becomes a issue. This can be done discreetly in a closed room with female attendants preserving the integrity of the woman/women in question. This also is ensures that our security at airports and ports is protected. So one has to ask what really is the issue is? Is it really about the veil/burqua or is it a wider state of panic where we have a knee jerk reaction to anything Islamic?


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