Giving you social commentry with a twist of comedy, reviews and downloads. Its commentry about the things that I come across in my life. We all take different journeys in life and this is my journey.
When sharing becomes a burden?
Well I always thought most of the time sharing was good that is until the cell phone industry though it was a great idea to combine a phone with an mp3 player. The logic was simple no need for two devices during your daily commute all you needed was your phone. What this has led to though is a new toy for idle kids to create a nuisance on the daily commute. No longer is one just exposed to the loud music screaming out of headphones and irritating ring tones but now we have to contend with kids putting phones on loud blast playing uncensored song wherever they are. This not even limited to kids but even adults that should know better have headphones on full volume. To add insult to injury Samsung one of the first to put mp3 players on phones have now released an mp3 player the K5 (see photo) that has a built in speaker. Why MR Samsung? Why make the daily commute for us much more of a misery that it is? Must say though that the K5 does look really good.
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