Role models

I noticed that our Keira Knightley was a bit skinny in this article okay okay petite but though nothing of it as she was never a big girl. So imagine my surprise when I opened the morning papers yesterday and noted that she was looking sickly thin in a Gucci dress that really did not do well to complement her. But what took the cake was this morning papers where Keira spoke out after the papers noted her extensive weight loss saying that she was not anorexic. Adding that she has experience with her grandmother and great grandmother suffering from anorexia.
Now Im not saying she is or she isn't but she looks sickly thin. I mean I look at starving Kenyans and Ethiopians that are suffering from the famine and they look more healthy than her, so for me there is something wrong and needs addressing. As the new, up and coming actress that people especially young girls will ultimately look up to she has to set a better example.
I was even more livid reading the article as our Keira now hates the though of girls seeing her as a role model. Shouldn't she have though about that before choosing a career that thrusts her in the lime light? Shouldn't someone have mentioned to her that being a role model is not a choice. We are all roles models whether as parents, elder brother, mentor at work, aunt, celebrity or grandfather there is always someone that looks up to us and a such we ought to behave responsibly.
So Keira wake up and smell the coffee you do have a responsibility, after all we pay for your expensive lifestyle by going to see your movies.
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